Hi UR,
I wasn't referring to your post. It was the other one that was meant to cut Geddy down a notch or two. You were polite and respectful as always. And yes, Geddy and I have been friends for a long time (over 25 years)!
passing this on.... mental terrorism.
i am writing about a danger which is very real.
there are people, who may be grieving, who may be suffering from depression, who feel an emptiness, who feel a spiritual longing, who want hope in a world that seems hopeless, and others who are very vulnerable to this danger.
Hi UR,
I wasn't referring to your post. It was the other one that was meant to cut Geddy down a notch or two. You were polite and respectful as always. And yes, Geddy and I have been friends for a long time (over 25 years)!
top 10 reasons to live in british columbia.
1. weed.. 2. vancouver: 1.5 million people and two bridges.. 3. the local hero is a pot-smoking snowboarder.. 4. the local wine doesn't taste like malt vinegar.. 5. your $400,000 vancouver home is just 5 hours from downtown.. 6. a university with a nude beach.. 7. you can throw a rock and hit three starbucks locations.. 8. if a cop pulls you over, just offer them some of your hash.. 9. there's always some sort of deforestation protest going on.. 10. cannabis.. .
top 10 reasons to live in alberta.
Hi Aztec,
Next time you look over to Canada at the casinos and strip clubs, I'll wave back. I live right there in "Sin City"
Have you heard of Aurora? This according to the conspiracy theorists is the new secret plane that is currently in the air.
Remember that the Stealth fighter was flying for 9 years before it was made public, so you may be right.
top 10 reasons to live in british columbia.
1. weed.. 2. vancouver: 1.5 million people and two bridges.. 3. the local hero is a pot-smoking snowboarder.. 4. the local wine doesn't taste like malt vinegar.. 5. your $400,000 vancouver home is just 5 hours from downtown.. 6. a university with a nude beach.. 7. you can throw a rock and hit three starbucks locations.. 8. if a cop pulls you over, just offer them some of your hash.. 9. there's always some sort of deforestation protest going on.. 10. cannabis.. .
top 10 reasons to live in alberta.
Too Funny!!
1. the immigration officers think that they are little demigods.
2. its way to cold in the winter.
3. there are to many mossie bites in the summer.
I have never seen a Denny's in Canada.
passing this on.... mental terrorism.
i am writing about a danger which is very real.
there are people, who may be grieving, who may be suffering from depression, who feel an emptiness, who feel a spiritual longing, who want hope in a world that seems hopeless, and others who are very vulnerable to this danger.
Hey Geddy,
They sure busted your chops!! Kind of like being publicly reproved huh? LOL
Should I "mark" you now as bad association?
(p.s. I wish I had seen your post!)
the following was written by professor johseph d. wilson, d. d., and is about the prophecies and criticism of the book of daniel.
it was published in the four volume book series called "the fundamentals.".
modern objections to the book of daniel were started by german scholars who were prejudiced against the supernatural.
Hey SwedishChef,
What's for dinner?
isn't it just great we can all have fellowship together?
or am i just having another manic episode?
i mean, if this was the 60's could us ex-jws associate in this way???.
Hi Geddy,
Yes, I got that e-mail.
He's officially engaged? I knew it was coming, but I haven't talked to him since he was over for ham on Xmas eve. Did they set a date? We definitely need to get together. I should bring the little guy over so you can see him walking. He's pretty confident now, only falls on his butt occasionally.
isn't it just great we can all have fellowship together?
or am i just having another manic episode?
i mean, if this was the 60's could us ex-jws associate in this way???.
Hi Ballistic,
I suppose most people aren't hanging around waiting for the next post. Personally, I'm involved in code writing for a CAD program in Visual Basic, and that is why I'm on the computer. I, too, just stop by to check up on things between other duties.
isn't it just great we can all have fellowship together?
or am i just having another manic episode?
i mean, if this was the 60's could us ex-jws associate in this way???.
Hi Geddy,
Ya, your situation was unique. Your dad was (still is??) quite fanatical about the whole JW thing. It's amazing you survived!! I'll never forget the time they went on vacation and didn't allow you to go. Instead they locked you out of the house to survive on the street! Great example for other JW parents!! (no offense intended!)
How's that blue bottle doing? Killed it yet?